Liberals and Women’s Rights Pamphlet to Launch at Conference Fringe with Dame Jenni Murray

This Sunday of Lib Dem Autumn Conference will see the launch of our new pamphlet, Liberals and Women's Rights at 6pm at the Hotel Miramar, East Overcliff Drive, Bournemouth, BH1 3AL

The pamphlet, which seeks to inform readers about why sex matters for women’s equality and how political transgenderism is impacting on their ability to hold on to their existing rights was written and edited collectively by Liberal Voice for Women members and published in the name of the group. We are thrilled that this project has finally become a reality. 

To mark the launch we have organised a very special fringe event which will be chaired by none other than Dame Jenni Murray and introduced by our Honorary President Baroness Sarah Ludford. We also have a superb and fully international line-up of speakers: researcher, writer and campaigner Raquel Rosario Sánchez, social science lecturer Dr Laura Favaro, and independent film-maker and activist Vaishnavi Sundar

Register here to reserve your place at the most talked about fringe event of Lib Dem Autumn Conference 2023.


The Curious Case of the Composited Questions


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